RISC OS 6 *Star command summaries
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This is an alphabetical list of every * Command available under RISC OS 6. It does not contain * Commands provided by the addition of expansion cards or extra filing systems. It does provide a list of * Commands provided by Library functions.
Each command is followed by a short explanation of its function and its command syntax, along with sample output from using the command where appropriate.
This is not intended as a complete explanation of the command, but as a quick reference for experienced users who may prefer to use the command line.
Command syntax
The syntax of each command is described in a standard way. The symbols used in syntax descriptions are:
indicates that an actual value must be substituted. For example, <filename> means that an actual filename must be supplied.
indicates that the item enclosed in the square brackets is optional.
indicates alternatives. For example, 0|1 means that the value 0 or 1 must be supplied.
The star commands
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*Access changes the attributes of all objects matching the wildcard
specification. These attributes control whether you can run, read from,
write to and delete a file.
Attributes are:
L Lock object against deletion by any user
W Write permission for you
R Read permission for you
/ Separator between your permissions and the public’s
W Write permission for the public (on a network)
R Read permission for the public (on a network)
Syntax: *Access <object_spec> [<attributes>]
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*AddApp adds entries in Resources:$.Apps (the Apps icon on the icon bar) for
all applications matching the wildcard pattern in the given directory, or in
the current directory if none is specified.
Syntax: *AddApp [<directory>.]<pattern>
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*AddFS adds a remote file server’s disc to the list of file servers’ discs
that are known to NetFS. If only the file server is specified, then all its
discs will be removed from the list.
Syntax: *AddFS <file_server_number> [<disc_number> [:]<disc_name>]
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*AddTinyDir adds a file, application or directory to the icon bar. If no
pathname is given, and there is no TinyDir icon already present on the icon
bar, it adds a blank directory icon to the icon bar.
Syntax: *AddTinyDir [<object>]
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*AddToRMA (new in 6.00)
*AddToRMA will ensure that the RMA has additional space in it.
Syntax: *AddToRMA [<kilobytes>]
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*ADFS selects the Advanced Disc Filing System as the current filing system.
Syntax: *ADFS
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*Configure ADFSbuffers sets the number of extra 1024 byte file buffers taken by ADFS to speed up
operations on open files. A value of 1 selects the default number of buffers for the RAM size, and 0 disables
fast buffering.
Syntax: *Configure ADFSbuffers <buffers>
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*Configure ADFSDirCache sets the size of the directory cache (in Kbytes) used by ADFS. A value of 0
selects a default value which depends on RAM size.
Syntax: *Configure ADFSDirCache <size>[K]
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*AIF is used to execute files with the type 'absolute'.
The system variable AIF$Options can be set to a string of characters to override AIF checks :
O Accept over-long files
T Accept truncated files
D Accept files with bad debug data descriptors
C Accept unsuitable code bit size
A Accept non-AIF files
N.B Overriding these checks may compromise system stability.
Syntax: *AIF []
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*Alias sets an alias for a command.
Syntax: *Alias <alias> <command>
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*Alphabet selects an alphabet, setting the character set according to the
country name or alphabet name. With no parameter, this command displays the
currently selected alphabet.
Syntax: *Alphabet [<country_name>|<alphabet_name>]
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*Alphabets lists all the alphabets currently supported.
Syntax: *Alphabets
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*Append opens an existing file so you can add more data to the end of the
file. Pressing Escape finishes the input.
Syntax: *Append <filename>
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*AppleAARPCache (new for 4.39)
*AppleAARPCache shows the contents of the AARP cache.
Syntax: *AppleAARPCache
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*AppleFS (new for 4.39)
*AppleFS selects AppleTalk as the current filing system.
Syntax: *AppleFS
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*ApplePAPStatus (new for 4.39)
ApplePAPStatus gives the status of the AppleTalk printer. Default ‘type’
is “LaserWriter”.
Syntax: *ApplePAPStatus [-interface <interface name>] -address
<socket>.<network>.<node ID> | [-name] <object>[:<type>][@<zone>]
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*ApplePAPTalk (new for 4.39)
*ApplePAPTalk goes into interactive mode with given PostScript® printer.
Default ‘type’ is “LaserWriter”.
Syntax: *ApplePAPTalk [-interface <interface name>] -address
<socket>.<network>.<node ID> | [-name] <object>[:<type>][@<zone>]
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*ApplePing (new for 4.39)
*ApplePing sends AppleTalk AEP packets to the specified destination node.
You should receive replys when the destination node has a working AppleTalk
stack with AEP layer and the network is fully functioning. When no interface
is specified, ApplePing will take the first available one. AEP socket is
defined as 4.
Syntax: *ApplePing [-interface <interface name>] -address
<socket>.<network>.<node ID> | [-name] <object>[:<type>][@<zone>]
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*AppleStatus (new for 4.39)
*AppleStatus gives the AppleTalk protocol stack status for each found
network interface.
Syntax: *AppleStatus
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*AppleZones (new for 4.39)
*AppleZones gives all AppleTalk zones defined on the Internet. When no
interface is specified, ApplePing will take the first available one.
Syntax: *AppleZones [-interface <interface name>]
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*AppPath (new for 4.39)
*AppPath appends a given path component onto a path variable, ensuring
it only appears once.
Syntax: *AppPath <path-variable> <path-component>
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*AppSize moves memory into or out of the RMA. This command is used at
startup to shrink the RMA to its smallest possible size, and should not be
used by other applications.
Syntax: *AppSize <size>[K]
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*Audio turns the Sound system on or off.
Syntax: *Audio On|Off
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*Back swaps the current and previously selected directories on the current
filing system.
Syntax: *Back
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*BackDrop (revised in 6.16)
*BackDrop puts an image on the desktop background, or selects the colour of
the background. Use BackDrop -Remove to clear the background.
-Colour Selects the colour for the backdrop (or bottom colour if
top colour is given)
-TopColour Selects the colour for the top of the backdrop to fade to.
-HSV Perform fade within the HSV colour space (multi-coloured)
-TextColour Selects the colour for text to be displayed in.
-Centre Centres an image.
-Tile Tiles an image.
-Scale Scales an image to the size of the background.
-Remove Remove any image.
Syntax: *BackDrop [-Colour <&BBGGRR00>] [-TopColour <&BBGGRR00>
[-hsv]] [-TextColour <&BBGGRR00>] [-Remove | [-Centre] [-Tile | -Scale]
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*Backup copies the used part of one floppy disc to another; free space is
not copied.
Syntax: *Backup <source_drive> <dest_drive> [Q]
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*BandLimit sets the limits on the bandwidth that the OS will supply to VIDC.
Syntax: *BandLimit <bwidth> <bwidth> <bwidth> [<bwidth>]
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*BASIC starts the ARM BBC BASIC V interpreter.
For full details of BBC BASIC, see the BBC BASIC Reference Manual, available
from your Acorn supplier.
Syntax: *BASIC [<options>]
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*BASIC64 starts the ARM BBC BASIC VI interpreter, supplied on disc with your
RISC OS computer - provided its module has already been loaded. If *BASIC64
fails, load the module with ‘*RMLoad System:Modules.BASIC64’.
For full details of BBC BASIC, see the BBC BASIC Reference Manual, available
from your Acorn supplier.
Syntax: *BASIC64 [<options>]
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*BlankTime sets the time in seconds before the screen blanks. If, during
this time, there is no activity (i.e. no keyboard or mouse input is
received, and - with the W option - there is no writing to the screen) the
screen then blanks.
The blank time is only retained until the next reset.
Syntax: *BlankTime [W|O] [<time>]
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*BlendTables (new in 4.39)
*BlendTables lists the status of the blend table caches.
Syntax: *Blendtables
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*BootVars (new in 6.00)
*BootVars sets up various system variables for the system to boot.
Syntax: *BootVars
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*BreakClr removes the breakpoint at the specified address or register value.
If you give no parameter then you can remove all breakpoints.
Syntax: *BreakClr [<addr>|<reg>]
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*BreakList lists all the breakpoints that are currently set.
Syntax: *BreakList
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*BreakSet sets a breakpoint at the specified address or register value.
Syntax: *BreakSet <addr>|<reg>
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*BTSDump (new in 6.00)
The *BTSDump command is used to display the BackTrace Structures present
at the time of the last abort. It requires a Kernel above 7.94 in order to
have a BTS chain present. On non-BTS-aware systems, it will report that
the IRQ or SVC abort pointer is invalid.
It is recommended if you are supplying a BTSDump for someone else to use
that the following command options are used:
*BTSDump -aW <filename>
If it is necessary to include additional data from modules or dynamic areas,
because it is believed that they are at fault, these can be added from the
interactive shell by starting the tool with:
*BTSDump -aiW <filename>
Then using the 'savearea' and 'savemodule' commands to write the details for
the modules to the file.
Syntax: *BTSDump <options>
-h Display this help message
-a Enable all options
-c Enable the processing of APCS stack frames
-r Enable the processing of register details
-d Enable disassembly of surrounding regions
-s Enable display of decoded SWI names
-q Quieten some reminder messages
-i Launch interactive shell
-e Execute a command without invoking the shell
-W Write a record of the details for later playback
-R Read a recorded list of the details written by -W
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*Build opens a new file and directs subsequent input to it. Pressing Escape
finishes the input.
Syntax: *Build <filename>
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*Bye ends a filing system session by closing all files and unsetting all
directories and libraries.
Other actions are filing system dependent, and where relevant may include
dismounting discs, parking the heads of hard discs, and logging off the
current fileserver.
Syntax: *Bye
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*Bye [[:]<file_server>] (NetFS syntax)
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*Cache turns the cache on or off. With no parameter, it gives the
cache’s current state.
Syntax: *Cache [On|Off]
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*Cat lists all the objects in a directory (by default the current
Syntax: *Cat [<directory>]
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*CDDevices displays all the CD devices connected, their product name,
capacity, firmware revision, and their SCSI ID (displayed as device, LUN,
and card; or as zeroes for non-SCSI devices).
Syntax: *CDDevices
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*CDFS selects the CD-ROM Filing System as the current filing system.
Syntax: *CDFS
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*CDir creates a directory with the specified pathname. On NetFS, you can
also give the size of the directory.
Syntax: *CDir <directory> [<size_in_entries>]
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*CDSpeed displays or sets the read speed of the given CD-ROM drive, or of
the current drive if none is specified.
Syntax: *CDSpeed [<drive> [<speed>]]
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*ChangeDynamicArea changes the size of the font cache, system sprite area
and/or RAM disc.
Syntax: *ChangeDynamicArea [-FontSize <n>[K]] [-SpriteSize <n>[K]] [-RamFsSize <n>[K]]
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*ChannelVoice assigns a voice to a channel. By default, only the first of
the eight voices will be available. To make others available, use the BASIC
VOICES <n> command.
Syntax: *ChannelVoice <channel><voice_number>|<voice_name>
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*CheckMap checks that the map of an E- or F-format disc has the correct
checksums and is consistent with the directory tree. If only one copy of the
map is good, it allows you to rewrite the bad one with the information in
the good one.
If bad map information cannot be cured, you should backup all of your files
and then reformat your hard disc. Contact your supplier for more
Syntax: *CheckMap [<disc_spec>]
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*CheckMouse will temporarily reconfigure the mouse to a type which is supported, if the configured type is not supported. This should ensure that if the type becomes corrupt, is incorrectly set or otherwise invalid the user is quickly returned to a configured state with a working mouse.
Syntax: *CheckMouse [<-h>]
-h display help.
Example output
Configured mouse: 5
Examining mouse 10, 'PS2 mouse (STD interface)'
Examining mouse 0, 'Standard mouse'
Examining mouse 1, 'Microsoft serial mouse'
Examining mouse 2, 'Mouse Systems serial mouse'
Examining mouse 3, 'PS2 mouse'
Platform type: 1
Mouse in use: 0
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*CJPEG creates a JPEG from a bitmap.
Syntax: *CJPEG [switches] <inputfile> <outputfile>
Switches (names may be abbreviated):
-quality N Compression quality (0..100; 5-95 is useful range)
-grayscale Create monochrome JPEG file
-optimize Optimize Huffman table (smaller file, but slow compression)
-progressive Create progressive JPEG file
-targa Input file is Targa format (usually not needed)
Switches for advanced users:
-dct int Use integer DCT method (default)
-dct fast Use fast integer DCT (less accurate)
-dct float Use floating-point DCT method
-restart N Set restart interval in rows, or in blocks with B
-smooth N Smooth dithered input (N=1..100 is strength)
-maxmemory N Maximum memory to use (in kbytes)
-outfile name Specify name for output file
-verbose or -debug Emit debug output
Switches for wizards:
-baseline Force baseline quantization tables
-qtables file Use quantization tables given in file
-qslots N[,...] Set component quantization tables
-sample HxV[,...] Set component sampling factors
-scans file Create multi-scan JPEG per script file
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
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*Close closes all open files on the current filing system.
Syntax: *Close
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*ColourTrans... commands are for internal use only, and you should not use them.
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*Compact collects together free space on a disc by moving files.
Syntax: *Compact [<disc_spec>]
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*Configure sets the value of a configuration option in the CMOS RAM. If no
parameters are specified, the available configuration options are listed.
Syntax: *Configure [<option> [<value>]]
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*Configure ADFSbuffers
*Configure ADFSbuffers sets the configured number of 1 Kbyte file buffers
reserved for ADFS in order to speed up operations on open files. A value of
1 sets a default value appropriate to the computer’s RAM size; a value of 0
disables fast buffering on open files.
Syntax: *Configure ADFSbuffers <n>
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*Configure ADFSDirCache
*Configure ADFSDirCache sets the configured amount of memory reserved for
the directory cache. A value of 0 sets a default value appropriate to the
computer’s RAM size.
Syntax: *Configure ADFSDirCache <size>[K]
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*Configure Baud
*Configure Baud sets the configured baud rate for the serial port. Baud
rates are:
0 9600
1 75
2 150
3 300
4 1200
5 2400
6 4800
7 9600
8 19200
Syntax: *Configure Baud <n>
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*Configure Boot
*Configure Boot sets the configured boot action so that a power on, reset or
Ctrl Break runs a boot file.
Syntax: *Configure Boot
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*Configure BootNet
*Configure BootNet sets the configured state for whther or not the AUN
software is to be loaded from ROM.
Syntax: *Configure BootNet On|Off
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*Configure BST
*Configure BST (short for British Summer Time) is identical to the command
*Configure DST, and is enabled only on machines configured for the UK
Syntax: *Configure BST
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*Configure Cache
*Configure Cache sets the configured cache state to be on or off.
Syntax: *Configure Cache On|Off
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*Configure Caps
*Configure Caps sets the configured value for Caps Lock to ON.
Syntax: *Configure Caps
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*Configure CDROMBuffers
*Configure CDROMBuffers sets the configured amount of memory reserved for
CD-ROM buffering, in kilobytes.
Syntax: *Configure CDROMBuffers <size>[K]
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*Configure CDROMDrives
*Configure CDROMDrives sets the configured number of CD-ROM drives
recognised at power on.
Syntax: *Configure CDROMDrives <n>
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*Configure Country
*Configure Country sets the configured alphabet and keyboard layout.
Syntax: *Configure Country <country_name>
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*Configure Data
*Configure Data sets the configured data word format for the serial port.
Data formats are:
Word length
Stop bits
Syntax: *Configure Data <n>
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*Configure Delay
*Configure Delay sets the configured delay in centiseconds before keys start
to auto-repeat. A value of zero disables auto-repeat.
Syntax: *Configure Delay <n>
To Start of Index
*Configure Dir
*Configure Dir sets the configured disc mounting so that discs are mounted
at power on.
Syntax: *Configure Dir
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*Configure Drive
*Configure Drive sets the configured number of the drive that is selected at
power on.
Syntax: *Configure Drive <n>
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*Configure DST
*Configure DST sets the configured value for daylight saving time to ON.
The time zone is set when you configure your computer’s territory, rather
than by this command.
Syntax: *Configure DST
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*Configure DumpFormat
*Configure DumpFormat sets the configured format used by the *Dump, *List
and *Type commands. Formats are:
0 GSTrans format (eg |A for ASCII 1)
1 Full stop ‘.’
2 <d>, where d is a decimal number
3 <&h>, where h is a hexadecimal number
Syntax: *Configure DumpFormat <n>
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*Configure FileSystem
*Configure FileSystem sets the configured filing system to be used at power
on or hard reset.
Syntax: *Configure FileSystem <fs_name>|<fs_number>
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*Configure Floppies
*Configure Floppies sets the configured number of floppy disc drives
recognised at power on.
Syntax: *Configure Floppies <n>
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*Configure FontMax
*Configure FontMax sets the configured maximum size of the font cache.
Syntax: *Configure FontMax <m>K|<n>
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*Configure FontMax1
*Configure FontMax1 sets the maximum height at which to scale from a bitmap
font rather than from an outline font.
Syntax: *Configure FontMax1 <max_height>
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*Configure FontMax2
*Configure FontMax2 sets the maximum height at which to scale from outlines
to anti-aliased bitmaps, rather than to 1 bit per pixel bitmaps.
Syntax: *Configure FontMax2 <max_height>
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*Configure FontMax3
*Configure FontMax3 sets the maximum height at which to retain bitmaps in
the cache, rather than the outlines from which they were converted.
Syntax: *Configure FontMax3 <max_height>
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*Configure FontMax4
*Configure FontMax4 sets the maximum width at which to use horizontal
subpixel anti-aliasing.
Syntax: *Configure FontMax4 <max_width>
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*Configure FontMax5
*Configure FontMax5 sets the maximum height at which to use vertical
subpixel anti-aliasing.
Syntax: *Configure FontMax5 <max_height>
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*Configure FontSize
*Configure FontSize sets the configured amount of memory reserved for the
font cache.
Syntax: *Configure FontSize <size>K
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*Configure FS
*Configure FS sets the configured default file server for NetFS.
Syntax: *Configure FS <file_server>
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*Configure GMT
*Configure GMT (short for Greenwich Mean Time) is identical to the command
*Configure NoDST, and is enabled only on machines configured for the UK
Syntax: *Configure GMT
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*Configure IDEDiscs
*Configure IDEDiscs sets the configured number of IDE hard disc drives
recognised at power on.
Syntax: *Configure IDEDiscs <n>
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*Configure Ignore
*Configure Ignore sets the configured printer ignore character.
Syntax: *Configure Ignore [<ASCII_code>]
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*Configure Language
*Configure Language sets the configured language used at power on.
Syntax: *Configure Language <module_no>
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*Configure Lib
*Configure Lib sets the configured library selected by NetFS after logon
(0 for the default library, 1 for $.ArthurLib).
Syntax: *Configure Lib [0 | 1]
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*Configure Loud
*Configure Loud sets the configured volume for the beep to its loudest
Syntax: *Configure Loud
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*Configure Mode
*Configure Mode sets the configured screen mode used by the machine. It is
identical to the command *Configure WimpMode.
Syntax: *Configure Mode <screen_mode>|Auto
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*Configure MonitorType
*Configure MonitorType sets the configured monitor type. Monitor types are:
0 50Hz TV standard colour or monochrome monitor
1 Multiscan monitor
2 Hi-resolution 64Hz monochrome monitor
3 VGA-type monitor
4 Super-VGA-type monitor
5 LCD (liquid crystal display) - only available on portables
7 Monitor description file
Syntax: *Configure MonitorType <n>|Auto
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*Configure MouseStep
*Configure MouseStep sets the configured value for how fast the pointer
moves as you move the mouse. Although values up to 127 are accepted,
anything above 6 is impractical.
Syntax: *Configure MouseStep <n>
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*Configure MouseType
*Configure MouseType sets the configured pointer device to be used
thereafter. Device types are:
0 Quadrature mouse
1 Microsoft mouse
2 Mouse Systems mouse
3 PS/2 mouse
Syntax: *Configure MouseType <device_type>
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*Configure NoBoot
*Configure NoBoot sets the configured boot action so that a Shift power on,
Shift reset or Shift Break runs a boot file.
Syntax: *Configure NoBoot
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*Configure NoCaps
*Configure NoCaps sets the configured value for Caps Lock to OFF.
Syntax: *Configure NoCaps
To Start of Index
*Configure NoDir
*Configure NoDir sets the configured disc mounting so that discs are not
mounted at power on.
Syntax: *Configure NoDir
To Start of Index
*Configure NoDST
*Configure NoDST sets the configured value for daylight saving time to OFF.
The time zone is set when you configure your computer’s territory, rather
than by this command.
Syntax: *Configure NoDST
To Start of Index
*Configure NoScroll
*Configure NoScroll sets the configured scrolling so the screen does not
scroll upwards at the end of a line.
Syntax: *Configure NoScroll
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*Configure Print
*Configure Print sets the configured default destination for printed output.
Destinations are:
0 Null (no output)
1 Parallel port
2 Serial port
3 Path in system variable PrinterType$3 (reserved for user)
4 Network printer (handled through Netprint)
5-7 Path in system variables PrinterType$5, 6 or 7
Syntax: *Configure Print <n>
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*Configure PrinterBufferSize
*Configure PrinterBufferSize sets the configured amount of memory reserved
for printer buffering. You should not use this command.
Syntax: *Configure PrinterBufferSize <m>K|<n>
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*Configure PS
*Configure PS sets the configured default network printer server.
Syntax: *Configure PS <printer_server>
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*Configure Quiet
*Configure Quiet sets the configured volume for the beep to half its loudest
Syntax: *Configure Quiet
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*Configure RamFSSize
*Configure RamFSSize sets the configured amount of memory reserved for the
RAM Filing System to use.
Syntax: *Configure RamFSSize <m>K|<n>
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*Configure Repeat
*Configure Repeat sets the configured interval in centiseconds between the
generation of auto-repeat keys. To completely disable auto-repeat, set the
delay to zero; *Configure Delay 0 will do this.
Syntax: *Configure Repeat <n>
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*Configure RMASize
*Configure RMASize sets the configured extra area of memory reserved for
relocatable modules.
Syntax: *Configure RMASize <m>K|<n>
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*Configure ScreenSize
*Configure ScreenSize sets the configured amount of memory reserved for
screen display.
Syntax: *Configure ScreenSize <m>K|<n>
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*Configure Scroll
*Configure Scroll sets the configured scrolling so the screen scrolls
upwards at the end of a line.
Syntax: *Configure Scroll
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*Configure ShCaps
*Configure ShCaps sets the configured value for Caps Lock to ON, Shift
producing lower case letters.
Syntax: *Configure ShCaps
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*Configure SoundDefault
*Configure SoundDefault sets the configured speaker setting, volume and
Syntax: *Configure SoundDefault <speaker> <volume> <voice_number>
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*Configure SoundSystem
*Configure SoundSystem sets the configured value for the type of sound
hardware to use, and for whether to use oversampling for 16 bit sound.
Syntax: *Configure SoundSystem 8bit | 16bit [oversampled] | <n>
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*Configure SpriteSize
*Configure SpriteSize sets the configured amount of memory reserved for the
system sprite area.
Syntax: *Configure SpriteSize <m>K|<n>
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*Configure Step
*Configure Step sets the configured step rate of one or all floppy disc
Syntax: *Configure Step <n> [<drive>]
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*Configure Sync
*Configure Sync sets the configured type of synchronisation for vertical
sync output.
Syntax: *Configure Sync 0|1|Auto
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*Configure SystemSize
*Configure SystemSize sets the configured extra area of memory reserved for
the system heap.
Syntax: *Configure SystemSize <m>K|<n>
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*Configure Territory
*Configure Territory sets the configured default territory for the machine.
Use this command with caution; if you set a territory that is unavailable
your computer will not start, and so you will have to reset your CMOS RAM.
Syntax: *Configure Territory <territory>
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*Configure TimeZone
*Configure TimeZone sets the configured local time offset from UTC. The time
offset must be in the range -13:45 to +13:45, and must be an exact multiple
of 15 minutes.
Syntax: *Configure TimeZone [+|-]<hours>[:<minutes>]
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*Configure Truncate
*Configure Truncate sets the configured value for whether or not filenames
are truncated when too long for a filing system to handle.
Syntax: *Configure Truncate On|Off
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*Configure TV
*Configure TV sets the configured vertical screen alignment and screen
Syntax: *Configure TV [<vert_align>[[,]<interlace>]]
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*Configure WimpAutoMenuDelay
*Configure WimpAutoMenuDelay sets the configured time the pointer must rest
over a menu item before its submenu (if any) is automatically opened.
Syntax: *Configure WimpAutoMenuDelay <delay>
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*Configure WimpDoubleClickDelay
*Configure WimpDoubleClickDelay sets the configured time after a single
click during which a double click is accepted.
Syntax: *Configure WimpDoubleClickDelay <delay>
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*Configure WimpDoubleClickMove
*Configure WimpDoubleClickMove sets the configured distance from the
position of a single click within which a double click is accepted.
Syntax: *Configure WimpDoubleClickMove <distance>
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*Configure WimpDragDelay
*Configure WimpDragDelay sets the configured time after a single click after
which a drag is started.
Syntax: *Configure WimpDragDelay <delay>
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*Configure WimpDragMove
*Configure WimpDragMove sets the configured distance from the position of a
single click that the pointer has to move for a drag to be started.
Syntax: *Configure WimpDragMove <distance>
To Start of Index
*Configure WimpFlags
*Configure WimpFlags sets the configured behaviour of windows when dragged,
and of error boxes:
Bit Meaning when set
0 window position drags are continuously redrawn
1 window resizing drags are continuously redrawn
2 horizontal scroll drags are continuously redrawn
3 vertical scroll drags are continuously redrawn
4 no beep is generated when an error box appears
5 windows can be dragged partly off screen to right and bottom
6 windows can be dragged partly off screen in all directions
7 open submenus automatically
Syntax: *Configure WimpFlags <n>
To Start of Index
*Configure WimpFont
*Configure WimpFont sets the configured value for the font to use on the
desktop. A parameter of 0 sets the font from Wimp$Font* system variables; a
parameter of 1 sets the System font; parameters 2 - 15 set a ROM font.
Syntax: *Configure WimpFont <n>
To Start of Index
*Configure WimpMenuDragDelay
*Configure WimpMenuDragDelay sets the configured time before an
automatically opened submenu is closed. During this time you can move the
pointer over other menu entries without closing the submenu, making it easy
to reach the submenu.
Syntax: *Configure WimpMenuDragDelay <delay>
To Start of Index
*Configure WimpMode
*Configure WimpMode sets the configured screen mode used by the machine. It
is identical to the command *Configure Mode.
Syntax: *Configure WimpMode <screen_mode>|Auto
To Start of Index
*Continue resumes execution after a breakpoint, using the saved state.
Syntax: *Continue
To Start of Index
*Copy makes a copy between directories of any object(s) that match the given
wildcard specification. Options are taken from the system variable
Copy$Options, and those given to the command.
Options (use `~‘ to force off, e.g. ~C): Default
A(ccess) Force destination access to same as source ON
C(onfirm) Prompt for confirmation of each copy ON
D(elete) Delete the source object after copy OFF
F(orce) Force overwriting of existing objects OFF
L(ook) Look at destination before loading source file OFF
N(ewer) Copy only if source more recent than destination OFF
P(rompt) Prompt for disc to be changed as needed in copy OFF
Q(uick) Use application workspace as a buffer OFF
R(ecurse) Copy subdirectories and contents OFF
S(tamp) Restamp date-stamped files after copying OFF
(s)T(ructure) Copy only the directory structure OFF
V(erbose) Print information on each object copied ON
Syntax: *Copy <source_spec> <destination_spec> [[~]<options>]
To Start of Index
*CopyBoot copies the boot block from one MS-DOS floppy disc over the boot
block of another.
Syntax: *CopyBoot <source_drive> <dest_drive>
To Start of Index
*Count adds up the size of data held in one or more objects that match the
given wildcard specification. Options are taken from the system variable
Count$Options, and those given to the command.
Options (use `~‘ to force off, e.g. ~C): Default
C(onfirm) Prompt for confirmation of each count OFF
R(ecurse) Count subdirectories and contents ON
V(erbose) Print information on each file counted OFF
Syntax: *Count <object_spec> [[~]<options>]
To Start of Index
*Countries lists all the countries currently supported.
Syntax: *Countries
To Start of Index
*Country selects the appropriate alphabet and keyboard layout for a given
country. With no parameter, this command displays the currently selected
Syntax: *Country [<country_name>]
To Start of Index
*Create reserves space for a new file. No data is transferred to the file.
The optional load and execution addresses and length are in hexadecimal.
Syntax: *Create <filename> [<length> [<exec_addr> [<load_addr>]]]
To Start of Index
*Debug enters the debugger. Type Quit to exit.
Syntax: *Debug
To Start of Index
*Defect reports what object contains a defect, or (if none) marks the
defective part of the disc so it will no longer be used.
Syntax: *Defect <disc_spec> <disc_addr>
To Start of Index
*Delete erases a single named file or empty directory.
Syntax: *Delete <object_spec>
To Start of Index
*Desktop initialises all desktop facilities, then starts the Desktop. It
also runs an optional * Command or file of * Commands.
Syntax: *Desktop [<command>|-File <filename>]
To Start of Index
*Desktop_... commands (except for *Desktop_SetPalette - see below) are for
internal use only, and you should not use them.
To Start of Index
*Desktop_SetPalette is an obsolete command that now has no effect.
To Start of Index
*DHCP (new in 4.39)
*DHCP <interface> starts a DHCP session on that interface.
To Start of Index
*DHCPStatus (new in 4.39)
*DHCPStatus displays information about all DHCP sessions.
Example Output:
Interface ey0:
State: BOUND
DHCP started: 20:52:37.38 15-Mar-2004
IP address:
Server address:
Relay address: unset
Lease started: 23:37:38.71 15-Mar-2004
Lease ends: 00:07:38.71 16-Mar-2004
Renew lease: 23:52:38.71 15-Mar-2004
Rebind address: 00:11:54.71 16-Mar-2004
To Start of Index
*Dir selects a directory (by default the user root directory) as the current
directory on a filing system.
Syntax: *Dir [<directory>]
To Start of Index
*Dismount ensures that it is safe to finish using a disc by closing all its
files, unsetting all its directories and libraries, forgetting its disc name
(if a floppy disc) and parking its read/write head.
Syntax: *Dismount [<disc_spec>]
To Start of Index
*Displaynumber (new in 6.00)
Syntax: *Displaynumber [<disc_spec>]
To Start of Index
*DJPEG decodes a JPEG into a bitmap.
Syntax: *DJPEG [switches] <inputfile> <outputfile>
Switches (names may be abbreviated):
-colors N Reduce image to no more than N colors
-fast Fast, low-quality processing
-grayscale Force grayscale output
-scale M/N Scale output image by fraction M/N, eg, 1/8
-bmp Select BMP output format (Windows style)
-gif Select GIF output format
-os2 Select BMP output format (OS/2 style)
-pnm Select PBMPLUS (PPM/PGM) output format (default)
-targa Select Targa output format
-sprite Select Sprite (RISC OS) output format
Switches for advanced users:
-dct int Use integer DCT method (default)
-dct fast Use fast integer DCT (less accurate)
-dct float Use floating-point DCT method
-dither fs Use Floyd-Steinberg dithering (default)
-dither none Don't use dithering in quantization
-dither ordered Use ordered dither (medium speed, quality)
-map FILE Map to colors used in named image file
-nosmooth Don't use high-quality upsampling
-onepass Use 1-pass quantization (fast, low quality)
-maxmemory N Maximum memory to use (in kbytes)
-outfile name Specify name for output file
-verbose or -debug Emit debug output
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
To Start of Index
*Do passes a command to XOS_GSTrans, and then passes it to the CLI.
Syntax: *Do <command>
To Start of Index
*DOSMap specifies a mapping between an MS-DOS extension and a RISC OS file
type. If the only parameter given is an MS-DOS extension, then the mapping
(if any) for that extension is cancelled. If no parameter is given, then all
current mappings are listed.
The mappings are only retained until the next reset.
Syntax: *DOSMap [<MS-DOS_extension> [<file_type>]]
To Start of Index
*DPMSTime (new in 4.39)
*DPMSTime (seconds) sets the delay before an idle machine enters DPMS.
If used with no parameters, it displays the current status.
To turn auto DPMS off use ‘*DPMSTime 0’.
Syntax: *DPMSTime [<time>]
To Start of Index
*Drive sets the current drive if NoDir is set.
Syntax: *Drive <drive>
To Start of Index
*Dump displays the contents of a file, in hexadecimal and ASCII codes. The
optional file offset and start address are in hexadecimal.
Syntax: *Dump <filename> [<file_offset> [<start_address>]]
To Start of Index
*Echo displays a string on the screen (after translating it using
Syntax: *Echo <string>
To Start of Index
*Eject ejects the disc from the given CD-ROM drive, or from the current
drive if none is specified.
Syntax: *Eject [<drive>]
To Start of Index
*EnumDir creates a file of object leafnames from a directory that match the
wildcarded pattern (by default `*‘).
Syntax: *EnumDir <directory> <output_file> [<pattern>]
To Start of Index
*Error generates an error with the given error number and explanatory text.
Syntax: *Error [<error_no>] <text>
To Start of Index
*Eval (revised in 6.02)
*Eval evaluates an integer, logical, bit or string expression.
The expression can use the following operators:
+ addition or string concatenation
-, *, /, MOD integer operations
=, <, >, <=, >=, <> string or integer comparison
<<, >> arithmetic shift left and right
>>> logical shift right
STR, VAL conversion between strings and integers
AND, OR, EOR, NOT (bitwise) logical operators
RIGHT, LEFT substring extraction
LEN string length
LEAFNAME extract the leaf filename from a string
DIRNAME extract the directory filename from a string
CANONICALISE convert a filename string to its canonical form
TIMEFORMAT format the current time in the format specified
SET determine whether a system variable is set
MODULEVERSION return the version number of a module as a number (eg 101 for 1.01), or -1 if not present
You can also use brackets.
Syntax: *Eval <expression>
To Start of Index
*Ex lists all the objects in a directory (by default the current directory)
together with their corresponding file information.
Syntax: *Ex [<directory>]
To Start of Index
*Exec instructs the operating system to take its input from the specified
file. If no parameter is given, the current exec file is closed.
Syntax: *Exec [<filename>]
To Start of Index
*FileInfo gives full file information for the specified object(s).
Syntax: *FileInfo <object_spec>
To Start of Index
*Filer_Action is used to start a Filer_Action task running. This command is
intended for use only within desktop applications.
Syntax: *Filer_Action
To Start of Index
*Filer_Boot boots the specified desktop application by running its !Boot
Syntax: *Filer_Boot <application>
To Start of Index
*Filer_CloseDir closes a directory display on the Desktop, and any of its
Syntax: *Filer_CloseDir <directory>
To Start of Index
*Filer_Layout (revised in 6.16)
*Filer_Layout sets the default layout for filer viewers.
Syntax: *Filer_Layout [-LargeIcons | -SmallIcons | -FullInfo |
-Thumbnails [-VerticalList]] [-SortByName | -SortByType | -SortBySize |
-SortByDate [-ReverseSort]]
To Start of Index
*Filer_OpenDir (revised in 6.10)
*Filer_OpenDir may be used in the Desktop to open a directory viewer.
Options are taken from the Filer's template and the user's selections in the Filer's menu.
Switch Alternative Meaning
-SmallIcons -si display small icons
-LargeIcons -li display large icons
-FullInfo -fi display full information
-ThumbNails -tn display thumbnail images for appropriate files
-VerticalList -vl display in columns instead of rows
-SortByName -sn display sorted by name
-SortByType -st display sorted by type
-SortByDate -sd display sorted by date
-SortBySize -ss display sorted by size
-ReverseSort -rs display in reverse order
-ClaimFocus -cf give viewer input focus
-DefaultLegacy -dl disable layout inheritance for this viewer
Each parameter (in the syntax) below - except for the switches - can be
preceded by a keyword:
Keyword Alternative Precedes parameter
-directory -dir <directory>
-topleftx -x0 <x>
-toplefty -y1 <y>
-width -w <width>
-height -h <height>
Syntax: *Filer_OpenDir <directory> [<x> <y> [<width> <height>]]
To Start of Index
*Filer_Options (new in 4.39)
*Filer_Options sets the default options for Filer operations, and other configuration switches.
-ConfirmAll Prompt for confirmation of all operations
-ConfirmDeletes Prompt for confirmation of deletes only
-Verbose Provide an information window during operations
-Force Force overwrites of existing objects
-Newer Copy only if the source is more recent than the destination
-Faster Perform operation faster
-Query List the currently selected options
-TransientSelections Enable the transient selection model
-LowerCase Ensure that filenames that are solely capitals are lower cased
-SelectRenames Allow files to be renamed by selecting their text
-KeyBoard Enable keyboard shortcuts
-ClaimFocus Viewers automatically claim focus when they're opened or clicked
-RetainViewer Viewer persists when a relation is opened from it by key
-InheritLayout Viewers opened from a viewer inherit same display layout
Syntax: *Filer_Options <switches>
To Start of Index
*Filer_Run performs the equivalent of double-clicking on an object in a
directory display.
Syntax: *Filer_Run <object>
To Start of Index
*Filer_Thumbnails (revised in 6.10)
*Filer_Thumbnails sets the width and height of icons in the thumbnail display.
-CacheAll Cache all thumbnails in a viewer
-CacheLimited Cache thumbnails visible and in adjacent page(s)
-CacheVisible Only cache thumbnails as they become visible
-Width Width of thumbnail icon in OS units
-Height Height of thumbnail icon in OS units
0 : Use current mode
1 : 32K colours
2 : 16M colours
-MaxFileSize Size (in KB) of largest file that will be thumbnailed. Files larger than this will never be thumbnailed.
-AutoRatio Open viewers in thumbnail display if given percentage of objects are images (0 disables)
-AutoObjects Minimum number of objects that must be in viewer (unless all are images)
-CacheSize Initial memory reserved for thumbnail cache (in KB)
-MaxCacheSize Maximum memory that will be allocated to thumbnail cache (in KB)
Syntax: *Filer_Thumbnails [-Width <OS units>] [-Height <OS units>] [-Depth
<depth type>] [-MaxFileSize <size>] [-AutoRatio <percent> [-AutoObjects <number>]]
[-CacheSize <size>] [-MaxCacheSize <size>] [<switches>]
To Start of Index
*Filer_Truncation (new in 4.39)
*Filer_Truncation sets the width that long filenames are truncated to.
Syntax: *Filer_Truncation [-LargeIconDisplay <OS units>] [
SmallIconDisplay <OS units>] [FullInfoDisplay <OS units>] [-ThumbnailsIconDisplay <OS units>
To Start of Index
*Filer_Toolbar (new in 6.20)
*Filer_Toolbar adds or removes a viewer toolbar.
Syntax: *Filer_Toolbar [-Remove] [[-Name] <leafname>]
To Start of Index
*Filters lists all currently active pre- and post-Wimp_Poll filters.
Syntax: *Filters
To Start of Index
*Configure Floppies sets the number of floppy disc drives attached.
Syntax: *Configure Floppies <floppies>
To Start of Index
*FontCat lists the fonts available in Font$Path, or in the given directory.
Syntax: *FontCat [<directory>]
To Start of Index
*FontInstall adds a directory to the list of those scanned for fonts. It
also rescans the directory, even if it was already known to the Font
Syntax: *FontInstall [<directory>]
To Start of Index
*FontLibrary sets a directory as the font library, replacing the previous
library in the list of those scanned for fonts.
Syntax: *FontLibrary <directory>
To Start of Index
*FontList displays the fonts in the font cache, its size, and its free
Syntax: *FontList
To Start of Index
*FontMerge merges new fonts into an existing !Fonts directory.
Syntax: *FontMerge <source> [<destination>]
To Start of Index
*FontRemove removes a directory from the list of those scanned for fonts.
Syntax: *FontRemove [<directory>]
To Start of Index
*Format prepares a new floppy disc for use, or erases a used disc for
re-use. Formats are:
F 1.6M RISC OS 3 77-entry directories, new map
E 800K RISC OS 77-entry directories, new map
D 800K Arthur 1.2 77-entry directories, old map
L 640K all ADFS 47-entry directories, old map
E+ 800K RISC OS 4 variable directory entries,
F+ 1600K RISC OS 4 variable directory entries,
DOS/Q 1.44M MS-DOS 3.20 double sided high density 3.5“ disc
DOS/M 720K MS-DOS 3.20 double sided 3.5“ disc
DOS/H 1.2M MS-DOS 3 double sided high density 5.25“ disc
DOS/N 360K MS-DOS 2, 3 double sided 3.5“, 5.25” disc
DOS/P 180K MS-DOS 2, 3 single sided 5.25“ disc
DOS/T 320K MS-DOS 1, 2, 3 double sided 5.25“ disc
DOS/U 160K MS-DOS 1, 2, 3 single sided 5.25“ disc
Atari/M 720K Atari ST double sided 3.5“ disc
Atari/N 360K Atari ST single sided 3.5“ disc
You may need extra hardware to support some of these formats. Early models
of RISC OS computers cannot use DOS/H, DOS/Q and F formats. RISC OS 2 only
supports L, D and E formats.
The default is to use F-format.
Syntax: *Format <drive> [<format> [<disc_name>]] [Y]
To Start of Index
*Free displays the total free space remaining on a disc, remote shared disc, mounted volume, server or
remote disc.
For NetFS, *Free displays a user’s total free space, as well as the total free space for the disc.
Syntax: *Free [<disc_spec>]
To Start of Index
*Free [:<file_server>] [<user_name>] (NetFS syntax)
To Start of Index
*FreePool (new in 4.39)
*FreePool moves all available memory except for the next slot into the free pool
Syntax: *FreePool
To Start of Index
*FS selects the current file server, restoring that file server’s context
(for example, its current directory). If no argument is supplied,
information is given about your current file server, followed by any
non-current servers.
Syntax: *FS [[:]<file_server>]
To Start of Index
*FSLock_ChangePassword changes the locked filing system and password.
Syntax: *FSLock_ChangePassword <fs_name> [<new_pswd> [<new_pswd>
To Start of Index
*FSLock_Lock locks the computer from the partially unlocked state.
Syntax: *FSLock_Lock
To Start of Index
*FSLock_Status displays the machine’s current lock state.
Syntax: *FSLock_Status
To Start of Index
*FSLock_Unlock unlocks the computer. If the -full switch is given, then the
machine will be fully unlocked; otherwise a partial unlock will be done,
lasting only until the next reset.
Syntax: *FSLock_Unlock [-full] [<password>]
To Start of Index
*FwShow displays all currently known Freeway objects.
Syntax: *FwShow
Example Output:
No remote nets
Type 1: (Discs)
Name=Iyonix Holder=
Name=256MB Holder=
Name=Programmer Holder=
Name=RO37 Holder=
Name=Wibble Holder=
*Name=RiscPC600 Holder=
Type 5: (Hosts)
*Name=dhcppc8 Holder=
Name=dhcppc10 Holder=
Name=dhcppc3 Holder=
Name=programm Holder=
Name=dhcppc1 Holder=
Name=Paul Holder=
To Start of Index
*FX calls OS_Byte to alter status variables, and to perform other closely
related actions.
Syntax: *FX <reason_code> [[,] <r1>[[,] <r2>]]
e.g FX 0
To Start of Index
*Go calls machine code at the given address (default &8000), passing it an
optional environment string.
Syntax: *Go [<hexadecimal_address>] [ ; <environment>]
To Start of Index
*GOS calls command line mode, and hence allows you to type * Commands.
Syntax: *GOS
To Start of Index
*Help gives brief information about each command. There are also some
special keywords:
*Help Commands lists all the available utility commands
*Help FileCommands lists all the commands relating to filing
*Help Modules lists the names of all currently loaded
modules, with their version numbers and
creation dates
*Help Station displays the current network and station
numbers of your machine
*Help Syntax explains the format used for syntax messages
Syntax: *Help [<keyword>]
To Start of Index
*I am
*I am selects NetFS and logs you on to a file server. Your user name and
password are checked by the file server against the password file before
allowing you access.
Syntax: *I am [[:]<file_server_number>|:<file_server_name>] <user_name> [[:<Return>]<password>]
To Start of Index
*IconSprites (new features for 4.39)
*IconSprites loads a sprite file into the Wimp’s common sprite pool.
If -priority is specified, the sprite file will be loaded into a high priority sprite pool
which over-rides all normal *IconSprites commands.
The priority sprite pool can be used to ensure that the users chosen ‘style’ of graphics
are not overridden by applications.
The -priorityclear switch can be used to remove all sprites from the priority pool, as
might be performed when changing ‘styles’.
Syntax: *IconSprites [-priorityclear] [[-priority|-file] <filename>]
To Start of Index
*Configure IDEDiscs sets the number of IDE hard discs attached.
Syntax: *Configure IDEDiscs <IDE hard discs>
To Start of Index
*If conditionally executes a * Command, depending on the value of an
Syntax: *If <expression> Then <command> [Else <command>]
To Start of Index
*IFConfig (new in ROM in 4.39)
*IFConfig is used to configure internet interfaces.
Syntax: *IfConfig [-ea] <interface> [<address> [<dest_addr>]]
-e write error report to Inet$Error.
-a list all present interfaces.
up Mark an interface up
down Mark an interface down
arp Enable the use of ARP
-arp Disable the use of ARP
metric <n> Set the routing metric to <n> (default 0)
netmask <mask> Set the interface netmask to <mask>
broadcast <addr> Set the network broadcast to <addr>
alias <addr> Set an additional interface address
delete <addr> Remove an interface address
mtu <n> Set the interface maximum transmission unit to <n>
To Start of Index
*IfThere checks for the presence of a given object, and executes one command
if it exists, or another if it does not
Syntax: *IfThere <object_spec> Then <true_command> [Else <false_command>]
To Start of Index
*Ignore sets the printer ignore character.
Syntax: *Ignore [<ASCII_code>]
To Start of Index
*ImageFileConverters (new in 4.39)
*ImageFileConverters lists the currently available Image converters
Example Output:
&132 -> &ff9
3QD Developments Ltd
&690 -> &ff9
3QD Developments Ltd
&697 -> &ff9
3QD Developments Ltd
&69c -> &ff9
3QD Developments Ltd
&69e -> &ff9
3QD Developments Ltd
&aff -> &aad
3QD Developments Ltd
&aff -> &ff9
3QD Developments Ltd (via ConvertSprite)
&b60 -> &ff9
3QD Developments Ltd
&b61 -> &ff9
3QD Developments Ltd
&bcf -> &ff9
3QD Developments Ltd (via ConvertSprite)
&c85 -> &ff9
3QD Developments Ltd (via ConvertSprite)
&cc3 -> &ff9
3QD Developments Ltd (via ConvertSprite)
&d91 -> &ff9
3QD Developments Ltd (via ConvertSprite)
&d94 -> &ff9
IFR Artworks
3QD Developments Ltd (via ConvertSprite)
&fc9 -> &ff9
3QD Developments Ltd
&ff9 -> &69c
3QD Developments Ltd
&ff9 -> &b60
3QD Developments Ltd
&ff9 -> &c85
3QD Developments Ltd
To Start of Index
*ImageFileRenderers (new in 4.39)
*ImageFileRenderers lists the currently available Image renderers
Example Output:
Type Magic Converter Ver. Author
---- ----- - ---- ------
&132 00000000 ConvertICO 0.11 Justin Fletcher, Graeme Gill (via IFC)
&30b 00000000 ConvertDoom 0.09 Justin Fletcher (via IFC)
&30d 00000000 ConvertDoom 0.09 Justin Fletcher (via IFC)
&690 00000000 ConvertClear 0.08 3QD Developments Ltd (via IFC)
&695 00000000 ConvertGIF 0.17 Justin Fletcher, ANT Ltd (via IFC)
&697 00000000 ConvertPCX 0.05 Justin Fletcher, Tim Northrup (via IFC)
&69c 00000000 ConvertBMP 0.16 Justin Fletcher, Graeme Gill (via IFC)
&69e 00000000 ConvertPNM 0.08 Justin Fletcher, Jim Frost (via IFC)
&aff 00000000 ImageFileRender 0.36 Justin Fletcher
&b2f 00000000 ConvertWMF 0.00 3QD Developments Ltd (via IFC)
&b60 00000000 ConvertPNG 0.39 Justin Fletcher (via IFC)
&b61 00000000 ConvertXBM 0.09 Justin Fletcher, ANT Ltd (via IFC)
&bcf 00000000 ImageFileRender 0.36 Justin Fletcher
&c85 00000000 ImageFileRender 0.36 Justin Fletcher
&cc3 00000000 ImageFileRender 0.36 Justin Fletcher
&d91 00000000 ImageFileRender 0.36 Justin Fletcher
&d94 00000000 IFR Artworks 0.18 Justin Fletcher
&fc9 00000000 ConvertSun 0.10 Justin Fletcher, Jim Frost (via IFC)
&ff9 66990101 ImageFileRender 0.36 Justin Fletcher
To Start of Index
*Imgconvert (new in 6.00)
*ImgConvert converts between different image file formats. The input
file is converted from its current format into another format. The
conversion is performed by the ImageFileConvert system.
Syntax: *ImgConvert [-h] -t <type> <inputfile> <outputfile>
-h Display help
-t <type> Select the filetype to which the file should be converted.
To Start of Index
*InetChecksum is for internal use only; you should not use it yourself.
To Start of Index
*InetGateway may be used to enable or to disable IP layer packet forwarding
(i.e. gateway operation) if multiple network interfaces are present.
Syntax: *InetGateway [On|Off]
To Start of Index
*InetInfo displays information and statistics about the current state of the
Internet module, which forms a part of the AUN software.
Syntax: *InetInfo [r] [i] [p]
Example Output:
Resource Usage:
Active 9
Packet forwarding not in operation
To Start of Index
*Inet_ServiceByPort (new in 4.39)
Syntax: *Inet_ServiceByPort
To Start of Index
*Inet_ServiceByName (new in 4.39)
Syntax: *Inet_ServiceByName
To Start of Index
*Inet_DecodeError (new in 4.39)
Syntax: *Inet_DecodeError
To Start of Index
*Info gives file information for the specified object(s).
Syntax: *Info <object_spec>
To Start of Index
*InitStore fills user memory with the specified value or register value, or
with the value &E6000010 (which is an illegal instruction) if no parameter
is given.
Syntax: *InitStore [<value>|<reg>]
To Start of Index
*JPEGTran transcodes a JPEG. The input JPEG is converted to another
JPEG with different attributes to the original file.
Syntax: *JPEGTran [switches] <inputfile> <outputfile>
Switches (names may be abbreviated):
-copy none Copy no extra markers from source file
-copy comments Copy only comment markers (default)
-copy all Copy all extra markers
-optimize Optimize Huffman table (smaller file, but slow
-progressive Create progressive JPEG file
Switches for modifying the image:
-grayscale Reduce to grayscale (omit color data)
-flip [horizontal|vertical] Mirror image (left-right or
-rotate [90|180|270] Rotate image (degrees clockwise)
-transpose Transpose image
-transverse Transverse transpose image
-trim Drop non-transformable edge blocks
Switches for advanced users:
-restart N Set restart interval in rows, or in blocks with B
-maxmemory N Maximum memory to use (in kbytes)
-outfile name Specify name for output file
-verbose or -debug Emit debug output
Switches for wizards:
-scans file Create multi-scan JPEG per script file
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
To Start of Index
*Key assigns a string to a function key.
Syntax: *Key <keynumber> [<string>]
To Start of Index
*Keyboard selects the appropriate keyboard layout for a given country. With
no parameter, this command displays the currently selected keyboard layout.
Syntax: *Keyboard [<country_name>]
To Start of Index
*LanMan (new in 4.39)
*LanMan selects Lan Manager as the current filing system.
Syntax: *LanMan
To Start of Index
*LMLogon (new in 4.39)
*LMLogon sets default information about the network.
Syntax: *LMLogon <workgroup> <username> <password>
To Start of Index
*LMInfo (new in 4.39)
*LMInfo displays debugging information.
Syntax: *LMInfo
Typical Output:
LanManFS version 2.00 (28 Aug 2003)
OmniClient started
Machine name : STANDALONE
Driver name : ey0
Logged on to workgroup/domain ‘WORKGROUP’ as user ‘GUEST’
No home directory set
Name mode 2
To Start of Index
*LMNameMode (new in 4.39)
*LMNameMode sets the way LanManFS capitalises names.
Syntax: *LMNameMode [0|1|2]
To Start of Index
*LMLogoff (new in 4.39)
*LMLogoff clears the workgroup and default user settings and disables
network browsing.
Syntax: *LMLogoff
To Start of Index
*LMPrinters (new in 4.39)
*LMPrinters adds a server name and list of printers.
Syntax: *LMPrinters server [printername] [printername] ...
To Start of Index
*LMServer (new in 4.39)
*LMserver adds a server name and list of shared drives.
Syntax: *LMServer server [sharename] [sharename] ...
To Start of Index
*LMStats (new in 4.39)
*LMStats shows network statistics.
Syntax: *LMStats
Internal errors : 0
IP: Internet events : 36
IP: Receive datagrams : 36
To Start of Index
*LCat lists all the objects in the named library subdirectory (by default
the current library).
Syntax: *LCat [<directory>]
To Start of Index
*LEx lists all the objects in the named library subdirectory (by default the
current library) together with their file information.
Syntax: *LEx [<directory>]
To Start of Index
*Lib selects a directory (the default is filing system dependent) as the
current library on a filing system.
Syntax: *Lib [<directory>]
To Start of Index
*List displays the contents of the named file using the configured
DumpFormat. Each line is numbered.
Syntax: *List [-File] <filename> [-TabExpand]
To Start of Index
*ListFS displays a list of the file servers which NetFS is able to
recognise. The optional argument forces the list to be updated before it is
Syntax: *ListFS [-force]
To Start of Index
*ListPS lists all the currently available printer servers, optionally
showing their status as well.
Syntax: *ListPS [-full]
To Start of Index
*Load loads the named file. The optional load address is in hexadecimal.
Syntax: *Load <filename> [<load_addr>]
To Start of Index
*LoadCMOS loads a file into the computer’s CMOS RAM, preserving only the
station number, the current year and the DST flag. All other configured
values are replaced by those stored in the file.
Syntax: *LoadCMOS <filename>
To Start of Index
*LoadFontCache is for internal use only; you should not use it yourself.
*LoadModeFile loads a ModeInfo file into memory. This makes available all
the screen modes defined in the file, while removing all modes defined in
any previously loaded file.
Syntax: *LoadModeFile <filename>
To Start of Index
*Lock locks the disc in the given CD-ROM drive, disabling the Eject button.
If no drive is specified, the current drive is locked.
Syntax: *Lock [<drive>]
To Start of Index
*Logon logs you on to a file server. Your user name and password are checked
by the file server against the password file before allowing you access.
Syntax: *Logon [[:]<file_server_number>|:<file_server_name>] <user_name> [[:<Return>]<password>]
To Start of Index
*Map displays a disc’s free space map.
Syntax: *Map [<disc_spec>]
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Syntax *MD5Hash [ -h ] [-n <name> ] [ -i ] <input>
-h Display help
-n <name> Name of the file (for the file)
-i <input> File to decompress
To Start of Index
*Memory displays the values in memory, in bytes if the optional B is given,
or in words otherwise.
*Memory [B] <addr1>|<reg1>
*Memory [B] <addr1>|<reg1> [+|-]<addr2>|<reg2>
*Memory [B] <addr1>|<reg1> +|-<addr2>|<reg2> +<addr3>|<reg3>
To Start of Index
*MemoryA displays and alters memory in bytes, if the optional B is given, or
in words otherwise.
Syntax: *MemoryA [B] <addr>|<reg1> [<value>|<reg2>]
To Start of Index
*MemoryI disassembles memory into ARM instructions.
*MemoryI <addr1>|<reg1>
*MemoryI <addr1>|<reg1> [+|-]<addr2>|<reg2>
*MemoryI <addr1>|<reg1> +|-<addr2>|<reg2> +<addr3>|<reg3>
To Start of Index
*MimeMap (new in 4.39)
Returns information on the file type specified.
Syntax: *MimeMap [&xxx | .ext | mime/type | Filetype | “Mac_Type”]
To Start of Index
*MiniGZip (New for 4.39)
*MiniGZip provides command line facilities for compressing and
decompressing GZip files.
Syntax: *MiniGZip [-d] [-f] [-h] [-1 - -9] <input> <output>
-d Decompress files (otherwise compress)
-1-9 Compression level (9 = highest, 1 = lowest)
-h Huffman encoding only
-f Filtered data is being used
To Start of Index
*MiniUnzip (New for 4.39)
*MiniUnzip will decompress Zip archives.
Syntax: *MiniUnzip [-h] [-v] [-l] [-i] <input> [[-o] <output>]
-h display help
-v verbose decompression
-l just list files in archive
-i specify input filename
-o specify output filename
-u Translate unix style ,xxx filenames to RISC OS types
To Start of Index
*MiniZip (New for 6.00)
*MiniZip will compress files into Zip archives.
The parameters are intentionally similar to those of the GNU Zip tool.
The switch -D can be used to omit the directory entries from the
created archive. This reduces the size of the archive slightly but
will lose the attributes (such as the date stamp and permissions) of
those directories when the archive is extracted.
By default, *MiniZip will create all its files within a directory
with a default name taken from the top level directory. For example,
*MiniZip dir/zip Directory would create an archive containing a
directory Directory which would then contain the contents of the
source Directory. To create the contents at the top level of the
archive, the switch -J can be used.
The switch -a is useful to change the directory into which files in
the archive will be placed. When the switch -a is used, filenames
will be searched for a = character. Any name following such
characters will be used as the directory to store objects in. For
example, aif.MiniZip=Library.Archive would create a file in the
archive called Library.Archive.MiniZip.
The switches -019 can be used to control the compression of data in
the archive :
Value Meaning
0 No compression - just store data
1 Low compression, fastest
9 Best compression, slowest
Syntax: *MiniZip [ -h ] [ -019 ] [ -J ] [ -D ] [ -v ] [ -z ] [ [ -o ] <output> ] [ ]
-h Display help
-v Verbose compression (may be repeated for more information)
-D Do not create directory entries within archive
-J Do not create a directory object at the top level
from input directory names.
-a Enable 'aliasing' of directory names
-u Translate RISC OS types into unix style ,xxx filenames
-z Add zip file comment (from standard input)
-019 Specifies the level of compression to use.
-o <output> Output archive name
<input...> Files or directories to decompress
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*ModelList lists all the loaded colour models.
Syntax: *ModelList
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*ModServices (new in 4.39)
*ModServices lists the services calls associated with all modules, or the modules which use a particular service call.
Syntax: *ModServices [-h] [-s <service>
Typical output
*modservices -s
UtilityModule: &6F, &81
Podule: &27, &45
UnSqueezeAIF: &B7
AppPatcher: &B7, &B9
DiagnosticDump: &DC
CFrontDemangler: &DC
VideoHWVIDC: &45, &76
VideoHWVF: &45, &46, &85, &B9, &E1, &E2, &400C3, &42680
VideoGuard: &DE, &DF, &400C0
*modservices -s &11
FileSwitch: &11
FileCore: &11
DOSFS: &11
BASIC: &11
BASIC64: &11
ShellCLI: &11
Filer_Action: &11
Pinboard: &11
TaskWindow: &11
Toolbox: &11
USB: &11
CDFSFiler: &11
UniServerFS: &11
OmniClient: * &11
BasicRunner: * &11
InetServer: * &11
To Start of Index
*Modules displays information about all installed relocatable modules.
Syntax: *Modules
To Start of Index
*Monitorinfo displays information about detected monitors and their respective drivers.
Syntax: *Monitorinfo
Typical output.
Driver : 0 (VIDC) [Selected]
Details : VIDC20
Config : VIDC (Fade 0)
Monitor : Undetected
MonTitle :
ModeFile : Acorn.AKF85
WimpMode : X1280 Y1024 C256
DPMS lev : 0
To Start of Index
*Mount prepares a disc for general use by setting the current directory to
its root directory, setting the library directory (if it is currently unset)
to $.Library, and unsetting the User Root Directory. For NetFS, *Mount
selects a disc from the file server by setting the current directory, the
library directory and the User Root Directory.
Syntax: *Mount [<disc_spec>]
To Start of Index
*Mount [:]<disc_spec> (NetFS syntax)
To Start of Index
*NameDisc (or alternatively, *NameDisk) changes a disc’s name.
Syntax: *NameDisc <disc_spec> <new_name>
To Start of Index
*Net selects the Network Filing System as the current filing system.
Syntax: *Net
To Start of Index
*NetMap displays the current AUN map table either for the specified net, or
for all nets if no parameter is specified. The map table shows the net
number of each net, its name, and its Internet address.
Syntax: *NetMap [<net_number>]
To Start of Index
*NetProbe reports if a remote station is accessible and active, and hence
can be reached from the local station and network.
Syntax: *NetProbe <net_number>.<station_number>
To Start of Index
*NetStat displays the current status of any network interface(s) configured
for AUN. The optional parameter -a gives extra information, including
traffic counters and full IP addresses.
Syntax: *NetStat [-a]
To Start of Index
*Networks displays the current AUN routing table. This shows the names of
any local networks; and also the names of those remote networks that the
station knows how to reach, and the gateway that it will use to do so.
Syntax: *Networks
To Start of Index
*NoDir unsets the current directory.
Syntax: *NoDir
To Start of Index
*NoLib unsets the library directory.
Syntax: *NoLib
To Start of Index
*NoURD unsets the User Root Directory (URD).
Syntax: *NoURD
To Start of Index
*Obey executes a file of * commands. Argument substitution is performed on
each line, using parameters passed in the command. With the -v option, each
line is displayed before execution. With the -c option, the file is cached
and executed from memory.
Syntax: *Obey [[-v][-c] [<filename> [<parameters>]]]
To Start of Index
*Opt 1
*Opt 1 sets the filing system message level (for operations involving
loading, saving or creating a file) for the current filing system:
*Opt 1,0 No filing system messages
*Opt 1,1 Filename printed
*Opt 1,2 Filename, hexadecimal addresses and length printed
*Opt 1,3 Filename, and either date stamp and length, or hexadecimal
load and exec addresses printed
Syntax: *Opt 1 [[,]<n>]
To Start of Index
*Opt 4
*Opt 4 sets the boot action for the current filing system:
*Opt 4,0 No boot action
*Opt 4,1 *Load boot file
*Opt 4,2 *Run boot file
*Opt 4,3 *Exec boot file
Syntax: *Opt 4 [[,]<n>]
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*Pass changes your password on your current fileserver.
Syntax: *Pass [<old_password> [<new_password>]]
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*PatchStats (new in 4.39)
*PatchStats displays statistics about patches applied to applications
and modules. Usually this is used to correct faults in StrongARM-unaware
applications,although some patches may be applied to correct more
common faults.
Syntax: *PatchStats
Example Output:
Last component examined: grep (size = 85532 bytes)
Signature Last app Total Tests Type
- -
RISC_OSLib os_swi (variant 1) 0 0 54 SA 2
RISC_OSLib os_swi (variant 2) 0 0 54 SA 2
Static _kernel_swi_c 0 0 54 SA 2
SWI call (SHunt) 0 0 54 SA 2
Desklib SWI veneer 0 0 54 SA 2
Overlay loader 0 1 54 SA 2
Sockets (Module) 0 1 38 M2
InetLib Hosts 0 3 92 AM
InetLib Networks 0 0 92 AM
InetLib Services 0 1 92 AM
InetLib Protocols 0 0 92 AM
Module Total
ImpressionSpell 0
ArcFSMemMan 0
To Start of Index
*Path gives a convenient way to set a path variable, so you can refer to a
full pathname using the shorthand ‘<path>:’.
Syntax: *Path <path> <full_path>
To Start of Index
*PathMacro gives a convenient way to set a path variable as a macro, so you
can refer to a full pathname using the shorthand ‘<path>:’.
Syntax: *PathMacro <path> <full_path>
To Start of Index
*Pin adds a file, application or directory to the desktop pinboard,
positioning its icon at the given coordinates (in OS units).
Syntax: *Pin <object> <x> <y>
To Start of Index
*Pinboard initialises the pinboard, removing any existing pinned icons and
Syntax: *Pinboard [-Grid]
To Start of Index
*PinboardOptions (revised in 6.10)
*PinboardOptions forces Pinboard to read its configuration options.
Syntax: *PinboardOptions
To Start of Index
*Ping (new in ROM in 4.39)
*Ping sends ICMP echo requests to a host to calculate a round-trip
time. This is usually used to identify network problems and
Syntax: *Ping [-Rdfnqrv] [-c <count>] [-i <wait>] [-l <preload>] [-p <pattern>] [-s <packetsize>] <host>
-R Set ‘Record Route’ option
-d Set ‘Debug’ option
-f Flood ping (handle with care)
-n Display numeric addresses
-q Quiet (just display results)
-r Don’t route
-v Verbose (display additional information)
-c Specify number of packets to send
-i Specify interval between packets
-l Specify number of initial packets to preload network with
-s Specify packet size
-p Specify pattern for data in packet
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*PipeCopy copies a file one byte at a time to one or two output files.
Syntax: *PipeCopy <source_file> <destination_file1> [<destination_file2>]
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*Play plays from the specified audio track to the end of the disc in the
given CD_ROM drive, or in the current drive if none is specified.
Syntax: *Play <track> [<drive>]
To Start of Index
*PlayList lists the tracks whether audio or data on the disc in the
given CD-ROM drive, together with their start time and the total CD time. If
no drive is specified, the current disc’s tracks are listed.
Syntax: *PlayList [<drive>]
To Start of Index
*PlayMSF plays a piece of audio from the disc in the given CD-ROM drive, or
in the current drive if none is specified. The start and stop times are
specified in minutes, seconds and frames from the start of the disc.
Syntax: *PlayMSF <mins>:<secs>:<frames> <mins>:<secs>:<frames> [<drive>]
To Start of Index
Copies a file into an expansion card’s RAM.
Syntax: *PoduleLoad <expansion_card_number> <filename> [<offset>]
To Start of Index
*Podules displays a list of the installed expansion cards and extension
Syntax: *Podules
To Start of Index
*PoduleSave copies an expansion card’s ROM into a file.
Syntax: *PoduleSave <expansion_card_number> <filename> <size> [<offset>]
To Start of Index
*Pointer turns the mouse pointer on or off.
Syntax: *Pointer [0|1]
To Start of Index
*Prefix (new in 4.39)
*Prefix selects a directory as the current directory unique to the currently executing task. *Prefix with
no arguments sets the current directory back to the
systemwide default (as set with *Dir).
Syntax: *Prefix [<directory>]
To Start of Index
*PrepPath (new in 4.39)
*PrepPath prepends a given path component onto a path variable, ensuring it only appears once.
Syntax: *PrepPath <path-variable> <path-component>
To Start of Index
*Print displays the contents of the named file by sending each byte to the
Syntax: *Print <filename>
To Start of Index
*ProbeMonitor (new in 6.00)
Syntax: *ProbeMonitor <-Quiet>
A typical response will be of the form.
Driver : 0 (VIDC) [Selected]
Details : VIDC20
Config : VIDC (Fade 0)
Monitor : Undetected
MonTitle :
ModeFile : Acorn.AKF85
WimpMode : X1280 Y1024 C256
DPMS lev : 0
To Start of Index
*PS changes the default printer server, checking that the new one exists.
Syntax: *PS <printer_server>
To Start of Index
*QSound generates a sound after a given delay.
Syntax: *QSound <channel> <amplitude> <pitch> <duration> <beats>
To Start of Index
*Quit exits from the current application.
Syntax: *Quit
To Start of Index
*Ram selects the RAM filing system as the current filing system.
Syntax: *Ram
To Start of Index
*RdJPGCom (new in 6.00)
*RdJPGCom displays any textual comments in a JPEG file.
Syntax: *RdJPGCom [switches] [<inputfile>]
Switches (names may be abbreviated):
-verbose Also display dimensions of JPEG image
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
To Start of Index
*ReadMimeMap (new in 4.39)
*ReadMimeMap rereads the MIME mappings file.
Syntax: *ReadMimeMap
To Start of Index
*RemPath (new in 4.39)
*RemPath removes a given path component from a path variable.
Syntax: *RemPath <path-variable> <path-component>
*Remove erases a single named file or empty directory. No error message is
given if the object does not exist.
Syntax: *Remove <filename>
To Start of Index
*RemoveTinyDir removes a file, application or directory icon that was
previously placed on the icon bar by a *AddTinyDir command. If no pathname
is given, all such icons are removed from the icon bar.
Syntax: *RemoveTinyDir [<object>]
To Start of Index
*Rename changes the name of an object, within the same storage unit.
To move objects between discs or filing systems, use the *Copy command with
the D(elete) option set.
Syntax: *Rename <object> <new_name>
To Start of Index
*Render displays the contents of a Draw file. You can optionally transform
the output with a transformation matrix, render the bounding boxes around
objects as dotted red rectangles, suppress the rendering of the objects
themselves, and change the flatness used to render curved paths.
Syntax: *Render [-file] <filename> [<m00> <m01> <m10> <m11> <m20> <m21>]
[-bbox] [-suppress] [-flatness <flatness>]
-bbox draw bounding boxes
-suppress do not draw objects
-flatness tolerance for curved paths
To Start of Index
*Repeat scans a given directory, applying a command to everything it finds,
within the limits of the other parameters.
Syntax: *Repeat <command> <directory> [-Directories] [-Applications] [-Files|-Type <file_type>] [-CommandTail <cmdtail>] [-Tasks]
To Start of Index
*ResolverConfig (new for 4.39)
*ResolverConfig re-reads the resolver configuration from the Inet$ variables.
Syntax: *ResolverConfig
To Start of Index
*ResourceFS selects the Resource Filing System as the current filing system.
Syntax: *ResourceFS
To Start of Index
*ResVersions (new in 6.00)
*ResVersions will process a number of Resource files and produce
either a count of the uses of particular modules, or output
necessary to ensure the correct modules are loaded for those files.
Syntax: *ResVersions [-h] [-c] [-O] [-s <file>] -a <application> {-i <input>}
-h Display help
-c Only count module uses (otherwise generate script)
-O Generate script suitable for an obey file
-i <input> Specify input Resource file; may be repeated
-a <appname> Defines the application name for which resources are
-s <file> Perform substitution upon <file>, replacing
%<TOOLBOX>% with the necessary script.
To Start of Index
*RMClear deletes all relocatable modules from the module area. Use this
command only with extreme caution, as it is so drastic in its effects.
Syntax: *RMClear
To Start of Index
*RMEnsure checks that a module is present and is the given version (or a
more recent one). The command is executed if this is not the case.
Syntax: *RMEnsure <module_title> <version_number> [<command>]
To Start of Index
*RMFaster makes a module faster by copying it from ROM to RAM. Use this
command only with extreme caution, as some modules may not work correctly if
Syntax: *RMFaster <module_title>
To Start of Index
*RMInsert reverses the action of a previous *Unplug command, but without
reinitialising any modules.
Syntax: *RMInsert <module_title> [<ROM_section>]
To Start of Index
*RMKill deactivates and deletes a relocatable module. Use this command only
with extreme caution, as it may be drastic in its effects.
Syntax: *RMKill <module_title>[%<instantiation>]
To Start of Index
*RMLoad loads and initialises a relocatable module.
Syntax: *RMLoad <filename> [<module_init_string>]
To Start of Index
*RMReInit reinitialises a relocatable module, reversing the action of any
previous *RMKill or *Unplug command. Use this command only with extreme
caution, as it may be drastic in its effects.
Syntax: *RMReInit <module_title> [<module_init_string>]
To Start of Index
*RMRun runs a relocatable module, first loading and initialising it if
Syntax: *RMRun <filename>
To Start of Index
*RMTidy is an obsolete command that now has no effect.
To Start of Index
*ROMModules displays information about all relocatable modules currently
installed in ROM.
Syntax: *ROMModules
To Start of Index
*Route (new in ROM in 4.39)
*Route is used to manipulate the Internet routing tables.
Syntax: *Route [<switches>] add|delete|change|get [-net|-host] <dest> [<gateway>] [flags]
*Route [<switches>] flush|monitor
<dest> is destination host or network
<gateway> is next-hop gateway
-cloning generates a new route on use
-iface destination is directly reachable
-static manually added route
-nostatic pretend route added by kernel or daemon
-reject emit an ICMP unreachable when matched
-blackhole silently discard pkts (during updates)
-rtt <n> initial round-trip time
-rttvar <n> initial RTT variance
-mtu <n> initial MTU
-expire <n> expiry time
-e write error report to Inet$Error
-n show network addresses as numbers
-v (verbose) print additional details
-q suppress all output
To Start of Index
*Run loads and executes a file, optionally passing a list of parameters to
Syntax: *Run <filename> [<parameters>]
To Start of Index
*SafeLogon checks whether the user is already logged on to the given file
server, and if not, uses *Logon to log on.
Syntax: *SafeLogon [[:]<file_server_number>|:<file_server_name>]
<user_name> [[:<Return>]<password>]
To Start of Index
*Save copies the given area of memory to the named file. The length and
addresses are in hexadecimal.
*Save <filename> <start_addr> <end_addr> [<exec_addr>
*Save <filename> <start_addr> + <length> [<exec_addr> [<load_addr>]]
To Start of Index
*SaveFontCache is for internal use only; you should not use it yourself.
To Start of Index
*SChoose selects a sprite from the system sprite area for use in subsequent
sprite plotting operations.
Syntax: *SChoose <sprite_name>
To Start of Index
*SCopy makes a copy of the source sprite within the system sprite area, and
renames it as the destination sprite.
Syntax: *SCopy <source_sprite_name> <dest_sprite_name>
To Start of Index
*ScreenLoad loads the contents of a sprite file into the graphics window.
Syntax: *ScreenLoad <filename>
To Start of Index
*ScreenSave saves the contents of the graphics window and its palette to a
Syntax: *ScreenSave <filename>
To Start of Index
*SDelete deletes one or more sprites from the system sprite area.
Syntax: *SDelete <sprite_name1> [<sprite_name2...>]
To Start of Index
*SDisc selects a disc from the current file server by setting the current
directory, the library directory and the User Root Directory.
Syntax: *SDisc [:]<disc_spec>
To Start of Index
*Set assigns a string value to a system variable.
Syntax: *Set <varname> <value>
To Start of Index
*SetEval evaluates an expression and assigns its value to a system variable.
Syntax: *SetEval <varname> <expression>
To Start of Index
*SetMacro assigns an expression to a system variable. The expression is
evaluated each time the variable is used.
Syntax: *SetMacro <varname> <expression>
To Start of Index
*SetPS changes the default printer server, without checking that the new one
Syntax: *SetPS <printer_server>
To Start of Index
*SetType sets the file type of the named file to the given textual file type
or hexadecimal number. If the file does not have a date stamp, then it is
stamped with the current time and date.
The command *Show File$Type* displays a list of valid file types.
Syntax: *SetType <filename> <file_type>
To Start of Index
*SFlipX reflects a sprite in the system sprite area about its x axis.
Syntax: *SFlipX <sprite_name>
To Start of Index
*SFlipY reflects a sprite in the system sprite area about its y axis.
Syntax: *SFlipY <sprite_name>
To Start of Index
*SGet gets a sprite from a rectangular area of the screen, defined by the
two most recent graphics positions (inclusive), and then saves it in the
system sprite area.
Syntax: *SGet <sprite_name>
To Start of Index
*Shadow sets which bank of screen memory is used on subsequent mode changes.
Syntax: *Shadow [0|1]
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*Share makes a local directory available as a shared disc.
Syntax: *Share <directory> [<disc_name>] [-protected] [-readonly] [-cdrom]
To Start of Index
*ShareFS selects the Shared Filing System as the current filing system.
Syntax: *ShareFS
To Start of Index
*ShareFSCache (new in ROM for 4.39)
*ShareFSCache enables or disables CD cacheing
Syntax: *ShareFSCache [on|off]
To Start of Index
*ShareFSLogoff (new in ROM for 4.39)
*ShareFSLogoff logs off from Access+.
Syntax: *ShareFSLogoff <name>
To Start of Index
*ShareFSLogon (new in ROM for 4.39)
*ShareFSLogon logs on to Access+.
Syntax: *ShareFSLogon <name> <key>
To Start of Index
*ShareFSIcon adds an icon to the icon bar for a remote shared disc.
Syntax: *ShareFSIcon <disc_name>
To Start of Index
*ShareFSWindow changes the size of the ShareFS transmission window, or
with no parameter - reports its current size. You should not change the
Syntax: *ShareFSWindow [<size>]
To Start of Index
*Shares lists the local directories currently made available as shared
Syntax: *Shares
To Start of Index
*ShellCLI invokes a command shell from a Wimp program, starting it as a Wimp
Syntax: *ShellCLI
To Start of Index
*ShellCLI_Task runs an application in a window. This command is intended for
use only within desktop applications.
To Start of Index
*ShellCLI_TaskQuit quits the current task window. This command is intended
for use only within desktop applications.
To Start of Index
*Show displays the name, type and current value of any system variables
matching the name given. If no name is given, all system variables are
Syntax: *Show [<variable_spec>]
To Start of Index
*ShowFree (updated syntax for 6.00)
*ShowFree shows within a desktop window the amount of free space on a device.
It can now optionally show free space on a Path as well as a filing system.
Syntax: *ShowFree -fs <fs_name> | -Path <Path> <device>
To Start of Index
*ShowRegs displays the register contents for the saved state.
Syntax: *ShowRegs
To Start of Index
*ShowStat (new in 4.39)
*ShowStat shows information from Internet resource providers, such
as Ethernet drivers, and MBufManager.
Syntax: *ShowStat [-v]
-v Display some statistics which would otherwise not be shown.
To Start of Index
*Shut closes all open files on all filing systems.
Syntax: *Shut
To Start of Index
*ShutDown closes all open files on all filing systems, logs off all NetFS
file servers and parks hard disc heads.
Syntax: *ShutDown
To Start of Index
*SInfo displays information on the system sprite workspace.
Syntax: *SInfo
To Start of Index
*SList lists the names of all the sprites in the system sprite area.
Syntax: *SList
To Start of Index
*SLoad loads a sprite file into the system sprite area.
Syntax: *SLoad <filename>
To Start of Index
*SMerge merges the sprites in a file with those in the system sprite area.
Syntax: *SMerge <filename>
To Start of Index
*SNew deletes all the sprites in the system sprite area.
Syntax: *SNew
To Start of Index
*Sound generates an immediate sound.
Syntax: *Sound <channel> <amplitude> <pitch> <duration>
To Start of Index
*SoundGain (new in 4.39)
*SoundGain sets the gain for 8-bit mu-law to 16-bit linear sound conversion.
Syntax: *SoundGain <gain> where <gain> is 0-7 for 0dB (default) to +21dB
gain, in 3dB steps
To Start of Index
*Speaker currently does nothing. (It used to turn the internal speaker(s) on
or off.)
Syntax: *Speaker On|Off
To Start of Index
*Spool sends everything appearing on the screen to the specified file. If no
filename is given, the current spool file is closed.
Syntax: *Spool [<filename>]
To Start of Index
*SpoolOn adds everything appearing on the screen to the end of an existing
file. If no filename is given, the current spool file is closed.
Syntax: *SpoolOn [<filename>]
To Start of Index
*Squash compresses files using a proprietary compression format,
based on that used by unix 'compress'. Squash can also be used to
compress or decompress GZip files.
Syntax: *Squash [-help] [-gzip] <from-file> [<to-file>]
To Start of Index
*SRename renames a sprite within the system sprite area.
Syntax: *SRename <old_sprite_name> <new_sprite_name>
To Start of Index
*SSave saves the system sprite area as a sprite file.
Syntax: *SSave <filename>
To Start of Index
*Stamp sets the date stamp on a file to the current time and date. If the
file has not previously been date stamped, it is also given file type
Data (&FFD).
Syntax: *Stamp <filename>
To Start of Index
*Status displays the value of a configuration option in the CMOS RAM. If no
option is specified, the values of all configuration options are shown.
Syntax: *Status [<option>]
To Start of Index
*Configure Step sets the step rate of one or all floppy disc drives.
Syntax: *Configure Step <step delay> [<drive>]
To Start of Index
*Stereo sets the position in the stereo image of a sound channel.
Syntax: *Stereo <channel> <position>
To Start of Index
*Stop stops playing the disc in the given CD-ROM drive, or in the current
drive if none is specified.
Syntax: *Stop [<drive>]
To Start of Index
*Supported lists the drive types recognised by CDFS.
Syntax: *Supported
Note this command is effectively redundant
To Start of Index
*Syslog (new in 4.39)
Displays log files created by the Syslog application.
Syntax: *SysLog (<log name> <priority>|SHOW|SHOWCACHE [<message>]) |
To Start of Index
*SysLog_Flush (new in 4.39)
*SysLog_Flush with no options will flush all currently open log files to
disc. By default full flushing is disabled. In this state, logged messages
will only be written to the background after a short period - the write to
disc is delayed. To enable full flushing, and therefore force all data to
be written immediately, use the ‘ON’ option. To disable again, use the ‘OFF’
Syntax: *SysLog_Flush [ON|OFF]
To Start of Index
*SysLog_PollPeriod (new in 4.39)
*SysLog_PollPeriod will display, or change, how often remote logging is checked and logs flushed.
Syntax: *SysLog_PollPeriod [<period>]
To Start of Index
*SysLog_Status (new in 4.39)
*SysLog_Status will give the status of all the logs currently known to SysLog,
or the status of a single log. The name ‘*’ can be used to display the default
log parameters.
Syntax: *SysLog_Status [<log name> | *]
To Start of Index
*TaskWindow starts a background task, which will open a task window if it
needs to get input, or to output a character to the screen.
Syntax: *TaskWindow [<command>] [[-wimpslot] <n>K] [[-name] <taskname>] [
ctrl] [-display] [-quit] [-task &<xxxxxxxx>] [-txt &<xxxxxxxx>]
To Start of Index
*Tempo sets the Sound system tempo.
Syntax: *Tempo <tempo>
To Start of Index
*Territories lists the currently loaded territory modules.
Syntax: *Territories
Typical Output: 1 UK
To Start of Index
*Time displays the day, date and time of day.
Syntax: *Time
To Start of Index
*Toolbox_Objects (new in ROM for 4.39)
*Toolbox_Objects displays a list of the currently registered Toolbox
object classes.
Syntax: *Toolbox_Objects
Object classes :
&00082880 : Window
&000828c0 : Menu
&00082900 : Iconbar
&00082980 : ColourMenu
&000829c0 : ColourDbox
&00082a00 : FontDbox
&00082a40 : FontMenu
&00082a80 : DCS
&00082a90 : Quit DCS
&00082ac0 : FileInfo
&00082b00 : PrintDbox
&00082b40 : ProgInfo
&00082bc0 : SaveAs
&00082c00 : Scale
To Start of Index
*ToolSprites merges the sprites in a file with those in the Wimp’s pool of
border sprites, which are used to redraw window borders.
Syntax: *ToolSprites <filename>
To Start of Index
*Tuning alters the overall tuning of the Sound system. A value of zero
resets the default tuning.
Syntax: *Tuning <relative_change>
To Start of Index
*TV adjusts the vertical screen alignment and screen interlace.
Syntax: *TV [<vert_align>[[,]<interlace>]]
To Start of Index
*Type displays the contents of the named file using the configured
Syntax: *Type [-File] <filename> [-TabExpand]
To Start of Index
*Unalias removes an alias for a command.
Syntax: *UnAlias <alias>
To Start of Index
*Unlock re-enables the Eject button on the given CD-ROM drive, reversing the
effect of any earlier *Lock command. If no drive is specified, the current
drive is unlocked.
Syntax: *Unlock [<drive>]
To Start of Index
*Unplug kills and disables all copies of a ROM resident module. If no
parameters are given, the unplugged ROM modules are listed.
Syntax: *Unplug [<module_title> [<ROM_section>]]
To Start of Index
*Unset deletes a system variable.
Syntax: *Unset <variable_spec>
To Start of Index
*UnShare makes a local directory no longer available as a shared disc.
Syntax: *UnShare <disc_name>
To Start of Index
*Up moves the current directory up the directory structure by the specified
number of levels.
Syntax: *Up [<levels>]
To Start of Index
*URD sets the User Root Directory (URD). If no directory is specified, the
URD is set to the root directory.
Syntax: *URD [<directory>]
To Start of Index
*URLProtoShow (new in 4.39)
*URLProtoShow shows all the current protocols known and their SWI bases.
Syntax: *URLProtoShow
Base URL SwiBase Version Comment
- 0x83e00 041 URL © Acorn 1997-8 (Built: 06 Oct 1998)
gopher: 0x508c0 013 Gopher Fetcher © Acorn 1997-8 (Built: 16 Sep 1998)
ftp: 0x4bd00 032 FTP Fetcher © Acorn 1997-8 (Built: 06 Oct 1998)
file: 0x83f40 038 File Fetcher © Acorn 1997-8 (Built: 04 Jun 1998)
http: 0x83f80 084 Acorn HTTP © Acorn 1997-8 (Built: 16 Sep 1998)
To Start of Index
*Vector displays either a list of Vectors or a detailed list of Vector usage.
Syntax: Vector <names>
Example output
*vector -h
Syntax: Vector
UserV ErrorV IrqV WrchV
RdchV CLIV ByteV WordV
FileV ArgsV BGetV BPutV
GBPBV FindV ReadLineV FSControlV
EventV UPTV NetV KeyV
TickerV UpCallV ChangeEnvironmentV SpriteV
DrawV EconetV ColourV PaletteV
SerialV FontV PointerV TimeShareV
LPEventV FastTickerV SpareVector6 SpareVector5
SpareVector4 SpareVector3 SpareVector2 SpareVector1
ExtraVector0 ExtraVector1 ExtraVector2 ExtraVector3
ExtraVector4 ExtraVector5 ExtraVector6 ExtraVector7
ExtraVector8 ExtraVector9 ExtraVector10 ExtraVector11
ExtraVector12 ExtraVector13 ExtraVector14 ExtraVector15
Vector UserV (&00)
03810a3c 00000000
Vector ErrorV (&01)
03ac9208 021b4fd4 Obey
03808078 00000000
Vector IrqV (&02)
022d881c 01c191b4 EtherH
038407dc 02100014 IRQ
03809024 00000000
Vector WrchV (&03)
03c8fb0c 0220af34 TaskWindow
0382b9e0 000009a0
Vector RdchV (&04)
03c8fde4 0220af34 TaskWindow
0382c2f4 00000000
Vector CLIV (&05)
0387e474 0210ecf4 CLIV
03809038 00000000
Vector ByteV (&06)
03c8ff38 0220af34 TaskWindow
03a5c584 02121954 SerialDeviceSupport
03dbb1a0 022013e4 BBCEconet
03db937c 0224b334 LegacyBBC
038b5f70 0211d574 OSPointer
0382abf0 000009a0
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*Verify checks that the whole disc (by default the current disc) is
Syntax: *Verify [<disc_spec>]
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*VIDCBandWidthLimit is for internal use only; you should not use it
To Start of Index
*Voices displays a list of the installed voices by name and number, and
shows which voice is assigned to each of the eight channels.
Syntax: *Voices
To Start of Index
*Volume sets the maximum overall volume of the Sound system.
Syntax: *Volume <volume>
To Start of Index
*Vrmload (new in 4.39)
*Vrmload tests the integrity of the module chain before loading a module.
Syntax: *VRMLoad <filename>
To Start of Index
*Vrmrun (new in 4.39)
*VRMRun tests the integrity of the module chain before loading a module.
Syntax: *VRMRun <filename>
To Start of Index
*WhichDisc displays the unique ID number for the disc in the current CD-ROM
Syntax: *WhichDisc
To Start of Index
*WimpClickSubmenu (revised in 6.10)
*Configure WimpClickSubmenu sets whether clicking on a menu item that
has an attached submenu will cause the attached submenu to be opened.
When enabled, the submenu is opened by clicking the arrow icon or MENU
on the item text.
Syntax: *Configure WimpClickSubmenu On|Off
To Start of Index
*WimpIconBorder (new in 4.39)
*WimpIconBorder is used to configure the icon borders which will be used for buttons and borders.
Syntax: *WimpIconBorder [-arcsize small | medium | normal | large] [
buttonround] [-buttonfade] [buttonrim] [-button3dbg] [-sunkround] [-sunkfade] [-sunkrim] [-sunk3dbg] [-writeableround] [-groupround] [-thin] [-special [-specialbg] [-specialactionfg &RRGGBB] [-specialdefaultfg &RRGGBB] [-specialaction &RRGGBB]
[-specialdefault &RRGGBB]] [-colourgroup &RRGGBB] [-groupoutline] [-sprites]
To Start of Index
*WimpMenuSlide (new in 6.14)
*WimpMenuSlide changes the way menus open at the screen edge.
Instead of menus immediately opening on screen, they can be slid
on screen at a given rate.
-speed Number of OS units per second to slide menu by (0 to disable feature).
-acceleration Acceleration rate of slide in OS units per second per second.
Syntax: *WimpMenuSlide [-speed <OS_units>] [-acceleration <OS_units>]
To Start of Index
*WimpKillSprite removes a sprite from the Wimp sprite area.
Syntax: *WimpKillSprite <sprite_name>
To Start of Index
*WimpMode changes the current screen mode used by the Desktop.
Syntax: *WimpMode <screen_mode>
To Start of Index
*WimpPalette uses a palette file to set the Wimp’s colour palette.
Syntax: *WimpPalette <filename>
To Start of Index
*WimpScroll (new in 4.39)
*WimpScroll controls the scrolling of windows using the alternate positioning device (usually ‘scroll
Syntax: *WimpScroll [-Off] [-Type Pointer | Focus | FocusOrPointer | FavourHigher] [-LineScroll] [-Speed <value>]
To Start of Index
*WimpSlot changes the memory allocation for the current and (optionally) the
next Wimp task.
Syntax: *WimpSlot [-min] <minsize>[K] [-max <maxsize>[K]] [-next
To Start of Index
*WimpTask starts up a new task from within another task.
Syntax: *WimpTask <command>
To Start of Index
*WimpTextSelection (new in 4.39)
*WimpTextSelection changes the manner in which the selection of text in
writeable icons functions. The selection colours can be modified using the
-bg and -fg options. The effect of inserting or deleting text can be
modified using the -inserteffect and -deleteeffect options. If the colours
are not specified, the icons own colours will be inverted. If the selection
controls interfere with commonly used applications, the selection handling
can be disabled through this command. Effects which can be used when text
is inserted or deleted are :
none leave selection in place, insert within or around the selection
delete delete the selected text
clear clear the selection, leaving text in place
cut copy the selected text to the clipboard, then delete it from the icon
Syntax: *WimpTextSelection [-inserteffect <effect>] [-deleteeffect
<effect>] [-moveeffect <effect>] [-fg &RRGGBB] [-bg &RRGGBB] [-autoselect] [-disable]
To Start of Index
*WimpToolOrder (new in 4.39)
*WimpToolOrder changes the way in which windows tools are rendered around
windows. The settings are described by the positions that the tools are
located, listing the tools from left (or top) to right (or bottom). The
format that should be used to describe tool locations is a space separated
list of components :
where <location> may be ‘T’, ‘B’, ‘L’ or ‘R’ for the ‘Top’, ‘Bottom’, ‘Left’ or ‘Right’ edges of the
window. The tools which may be listed in a single string
are :
b Back icon.
c Close icon
t Title text
i Iconise icon
s Toggle size icon
v Vertical scrollbar
h Horizontal scrollbar
r Resize icon
Certain combinations are non-sensical, and extreme care should be observed when selecting settings.
Typical examples might be :
T=bctis R=tvr B=hr
Standard RISC OS 4 style
B=bctir R=hvr T=hs
Upside down RISC OS 4 style
T=btisc R=tvr B=hr
Typical of another well known OS
In particular, it should be noted that the toggle size icon and the resize icon may not function as desired
if they move away from their more common locations.
Syntax: *WimpToolOrder <location>=<toollist> <location>=<toollist>
To Start of Index
*WimpVisualFlags (revised in 6.10)
*WimpVisualFlags changes some aspects of the visual appearance of the desktop.
Give all menus and dialogue boxes a 3D border.
Give all menus a textured background.
Use a different background tile for menus.
Remove the filled box from behind the text in text+sprite icons.
Remove the filled box from icons on windows similar to the pinboard.
Make the iconbar have a full 3D border.
Don’t use font blending in icons.
-WindowBorderFaceColour <&RRGGBB>
Set the colour of the top left portion of the window border.
-WindowBorderOppColour <&RRGGBB>
Set the colour of the bottom right portion of the window border.
-MenuBorderFaceColour <&RRGGBB>
Set the colour of the top left portion of the menu border.
-MenuBorderOppColour <&RRGGBB>
Set the colour of the bottom right portion of the menu border.
-TemplateColours {<BBGGRR>[/]}
Set the default window colours (as for the title validation string).
-WindowOutlineColour <&RRGGBB>
Set the colour of the window frame.
Plot the window frame around the window furniture.
Only show focus in the window title bar.
-SpecialHighlightBackColour <&RRGGBB>
Set the background colour of the ‘normal’ selected icons.
-SpecialHighlightForeColour <&RRGGBB>
Set the foreground colour of the ‘normal’ selected icons (must set background first).
-CaretColour <&RRGGBB>
Set the default colour to be used for the caret.
Syntax: *WimpVisualFlags <options>
To Start of Index
*WimpWriteDir sets the direction of text entry for writeable icons to either
the default for the current territory, or the reverse of that.
Syntax: *WimpWriteDir 0|1
To Start of Index
*Window_Gadgets (new for 4.39)
Display a list of the gadgets registered with the window module. The list is sorted by gadget type (first
number) and gadget size (second number).
Syntax: *Window_Gadgets
To Start of Index
*Wipe deletes one or more objects that match the given wildcard
specification. Options are taken from the system variable Wipe$Options, and
those given to the command.
Options (use `~‘ to force off, e.g. ~C): Default
C(onfirm) Prompt for confirmation of each deletion ON
F(orce) Force deletion of locked objects OFF
R(ecurse) Delete subdirectories and contents OFF
V(erbose) Print information on each object deleted ON
Syntax: *Wipe <object_spec> [[~]<options>]
To Start of Index
*WrJPGCom (new in 6.00)
*wrjpgcom inserts a textual comment in a JPEG file.
You can add to or replace any existing comment(s).
Syntax: wrjpgcom [switches] <inputfile> <outputfile>
Switches (names may be abbreviated):
-replace Delete any existing comments
-comment "text" Insert comment with given text
-cfile name Read comment from named file
Notice that you must put quotes around the comment text
when you use -comment.
If you do not give either -comment or -cfile on the command line,
then the comment text is read from standard input.
It can be multiple lines, up to 65000 characters total.
To Start of Index
*X (new in 4.39)
*X will execute a command without reporting any errors. Any error
will be written to the system variable X$Error if it is unset.
Syntax: *X <command>
To Start of Index
*XAddTinyDir (new to 6.10)
*XAddTinyDir adds a file, application or directory to the desktop
icon bar, ignoring any errors.
Syntax: *XAddTinyDir [<pathname>]
To Start of Index
*XPin (new to 4.39)
*XPin adds a file, application or directory to the desktop pinboard ignoring any errors.
Syntax: *XPin <pathname> <x> <y>
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