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Programmer's Reference Manual


Table A: VDU codes

List of VDU codes

A list of the VDU codes is given in the table below. Some VDU codes require extra bytes to be sent as parameters; for example, VDU 22 (select screen mode) needs one extra byte to specify the mode. The number of extra bytes needed is also given in the table:

VDU code Ctrl plus Extra bytes Meaning Page
0 @ 0 Does nothing VDU 0
1 A 1 Sends next character to printer only VDU 1
2 B 0 Enables printer VDU 2
3 C 0 Disables printer VDU 3
4 D 0 Writes text at text cursor VDU 4
5 E 0 Writes text at graphics cursor VDU 5
6 F 0 Enables VDU driver VDU 6
7 G 0 Generates bell sound VDU 7
8 H 0 Moves cursor back one character VDU 8
9 I 0 Moves cursor on one space VDU 9
10 J 0 Moves cursor down one line VDU 10
11 K 0 Moves cursor up one line VDU 11
12 L 0 Clears text window VDU 12
13 M 0 Moves cursor to start of current line VDU 13
14 N 0 Turns on paged mode VDU 14
15 O 0 Turns off paged mode VDU 15
16 P 0 Clears graphics window VDU 16
17 Q 1 Defines text colour VDU 17
18 R 2 Defines graphics colour VDU 18
19 S 5 Defines logical colour VDU 19
20 T 0 Restores default logical colours VDU 20
21 U 0 Disables VDU drivers VDU 21
22 V 1 Selects screen mode VDU 22
23 W 9 Multi-purpose command: VDU 23
23,0 Sets the interlace and controls cursor appearance VDU 23,0


Controls text cursor appearance VDU 23,1


Defines ECF pattern and colours VDU 23,2-5


Sets dot-dash line style VDU 23,6


Scrolls text window or screen VDU 23,7


Clears a block of the text window VDU 23,8


Sets first flash time VDU 23,9


Sets second flash time VDU 23,10


Sets default patterns VDU 23,11


Defines simple ECF patterns and colours VDU 23,12-15


Controls cursor movement after printing VDU 23,16


Sets the tint for a colour VDU 23,17,0-3


Chooses ECF patterns VDU 23,17,4


Exchanges text foreground and background colours VDU 23,17,5


Sets ECF origin VDU 23,17,6


Sets character size/spacing VDU 23,17,7


Reserved for future expansion VDU 23,18-24


Private Font Manager calls VDU 23,25-26


Private Sprite Manager calls VDU 23,27
23,28-31 Reserved for use by application programs VDU 23,28-31
23,32-255 Redefines printable characters VDU 23,32-255
24 X 8 Defines graphics window VDU 24
25 Y 5 PLOT command VDU 25
26 Z 0 Restores default windows VDU 26
27 [ 0 Does nothing VDU 27
28 \ 4 Defines text window VDU 28
29 ] 4 Defines graphics origin VDU 29
30 ^ 0 Homes text cursor VDU 30
31 _ 2 Moves text cursor VDU 31
127 0 Delete VDU 127

This edition Copyright © 3QD Developments Ltd 2015
Last Edit: Tue,03 Nov 2015